Welcome to our "bragging board" for our wonderful show kittens and cats. We hope you enjoy seeing what our unique and talented KatteyCasa Sphynx can do in the show ring. We are so proud of them and what they have accomplished!
Our Featured Cats
Katitudz Asena of Katteycasa
We were just able to acquire a New LYKOI female. This is a very new and rare breed of cat. Also known as the “Werewolf cat”. Katitudz Asena of Katteycasa or “Asena” as we lovingly call her is a beautiful Blue Lykoi and came to us from Patti Thomas of Virginia. Patti is the Lykoiwolfcats Co-Founder and Breeder. She lovingly raised and spoiled this beautiful girl. She is an outstanding show quality example of the Lykoi breed. We are honored to have been entrusted with this sweet little girl and are forever grateful to Patti.
Catitude Wolfsbane of Katteycasa
We were just able to acquire a LYKOI kitten. This is a very new and rare breed of cat. Also known as the “Werewolf cat”.
He was born 2-12-2016.
Wolfsbane or Wolfie as we lovingly call him was gifted to us by Patti Thomas of Virginia. Patti is the Lykoiwolfcats Co-Founder and Breeder. She lovingly raised and spoiled this beautiful boy. He is an outstanding show quality example of the Lykoi breed. We are honored to have been entrusted with this sweet little man and are forever grateful to Patti.
He is now being shown in the NBC or New Breed or Color class. We are working to have the Lykoi breed accepted for championship classification in ACFA.
Katteycasa Show Photographer
"I am a photographer, a capturer of events large and small, moments ordinary and extraordinary. I capture images with a camera but I create art with my mind and heart."
I photograph a variety of subjects, from nature and landscapes to wildlife and birds, but a favorite part of my business is creating portraits of beautiful cats.
They've lived with us for thousands of years, yet they still captivate and amaze us. And for a little while, when capturing a portrait, I have the opportunity to see the personality they choose to share as I try to get the perfect image.
Every cat I photograph is unique, with a charisma all his or her own. Our portrait sessions focus on the elegance, style, and humor that make these marvelous and mysterious animals so fascinating. Our goal is to capture their unique look and personality.
I’m fortunate to have the world’s best cat wrangler, my wife, Pat. She connects with cats and they bond with her. She gets them to show their personalities and makes it possible for me to capture extraordinary and compelling images. Without her work, what I do would not be possible.
I have the easy part – I just roll around in my chair and operate the camera.
When not doing portraits at a show, I like to wander the show hall, watching the judging, visiting with the exhibitors and capturing candid images of people and cats.
If you would like to see more of the amazing cats I’ve been privileged to photograph, stop by my website at www.dperezphoto.com and check out the CFA and ACFA Cat Shows. And if you know of a cat show that would like a photographer that does what we do, have them contact me.
Our cats were chosen to be in and on David Perez’s show cats calendar this year.
Final Episode is on the cover and Wolfsbane is the cat for October
Very appropriate for a werewolf cat to have the Halloween month!